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Grenfell tower fire The story of the engineering, design and sociopolitical factors that led to the catastrophic 2017 Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people in London.

The Morandi Bridge Collapse A deep dive into the engineering of the Morandi Bridge and what might have caused it to collapse, killing 43 people, in August 2018.

Malaysian Airlines 370 Top aviation experts share their theories about the mysterious whereabouts and final fate of Malaysia Airlines MH370.

Eschede train crash An in depth review of Germany’s worst ever rail disaster and the engineering oversights that allowed it to happen.

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster The story of the shuttle challenger disaster and the engineering and operation oversights that caused the shuttle to break apart in the sky as millions of Americans watched live.

Concorde Air France Flight 4950 The story of how the supersonic Concorde aircraft crashed and burned into the aviation history books.


MH 17 The whole truth about the downing of MH17 over Ukraine: who, how and why. Are passengers safe as they fly unknowingly over conflict zones and what can be done to improve air space safety?

BEIRUT PORT EXPLOSION  What led to the explosion of a massive warehouse of flammable material, which destroyed the city of Beirut, Lebanon

RAMSTEIN AIR SHOW DISASTER New details shed more light on what went wrong the day an Italian Aerobatics Flight Team crashed into a crowd gathered to watch an air show in Germany.

LOVE PARADE DISASTER   A hard look at the lack of planning, oversight and accountability surrounding the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg, Germany.

VIAREGGIO TRAIN DERAILMENT    aA scandalous miscarriage of justice in the case of the freight train carrying GPL that derailed and exploded in the coastal Tuscan town of Viareggio. How safe are Europe's railways? 

MONT BLANC TUNNEL FIRE    A transport truck catches fire in the Mont Blanc tunnel, spreading an inferno that trapped dozens. Could it have been prevented and what has changed?


SANTIAGO TRAIN DERAILMENT  The story of the worst high-speed rail disaster in Spanish history, when on July 24th 2013 a high-speed train derailed on a ruve just outside the railway station of Santiago de Compostela, killing 79. Nearly a decade later, justice for the family members of the victims remains elusive, with the trial still grinding slowly through the Spanish courts. 

PIPER ALPHA OIL PLATFORM TRAGEDY 200 kilometers north of Aberdeen, Scotland in the North Sea, the Piper Alpha oil platform exploded and sank on July 6th, 1988, killing 167 of the men on board, as well as two rescue workers whose ship was trapped in the burning, disintegrating oil rig. 61 workers escaped and survived - several tell their stories here. 30 bodies were never recovered.

KING'S CROSS TUBE TRAGEDY  The story of the deadly Kings Cross fire on the Piccadilly line of the London Underground on November 18th, 1987. A simple cigarette butt or match falling into the space between the wooden escalator and the highly greased mechanism may have started the inferno that killed 31 and severely burned 143 people commuting through the tube station that day. 

ETHIOPAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 302  The Ethopian Airlines Flight 302 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  to Nairobi, Kenya which crashed six minutes after takeoff, killing all 157 people aboard. It is Ethiopia’s deadliest accident ever, and was the second MAX 8 accident in less than five months after the October 2018 Lion Air Flight 610 crash in Indonesia. This story investigates the computer error that led to the eventual grounding of the jet.  

MOTTARONE CABLE CAR DISASTER The story of one of the worst cable car disasters to hit Italy - an aerial tramway car that plummeted to the ground killing 14 of 15 passengers, the lone survivor a 5-year-old Israili child whose parents did not survive.  

EVERGIVEN CONTAINER SHIP EMERGENCY  The grounding of the Ever Given mega container ship in the middle of the Suez Canal on March 23, 2020 delayed billions in trade and highlighted the fragility of global supply chains. It took six days and two of the most powerful tugs in the world to pull the massive ship carrying nearly 20,000 containers free from the sand banks where she was wedged. 



GREECE TRAIN CRASH The tragic story of the worst train disaster in Greek history - the February 2023 collision between a passenger train and a freign train traveling between Athens and Thessaloniki. 57 people died.

MARMOLADA GLACIER COLLAPSE  One of the most serious accidents to happen in the Alps in decades, the Marmolada serac collapse tells the story of the fateful day 11 people were killed when a section of glacier collapsed onto a hiking trail. A cautionary global warming tale about the disappearance of Europe’s glaciers and the changing safety concerns for traversing them.

MOBY PRINCE FERRY INFERNO The fire that killed 140 passengers aboard the Moby Prince ferry in 1991 as it was navigating between Livorno and Sardinia was the worst disaster in the Italian merchant navy since World War II and is one of the worst environmental diasters in Italian history.  A parliamentary commission is exploring new hypotheses for why the fire happened, in an investigation that could reveal uncomfortably new truths about how the disaster came about. 

ESTONIA FERRY DISASTER The  story of Europe's deadliest modern-day maritime disaster. When the MS Estonia sunk in rough weather on Wednesday, 28 September 1994, it took 852 people with it to the bottom of the Baltic Sea, making it the deadliest peacetime sinking of a European ship, after the Titanic, in 1912. 

NORDSTREAM PIPELINE SABOTAGE On the 26th September 2022, a 2.03 a.m. the first of two explosions were registered as seismic activity on the Baltic sea floor near the Danish island of Bornholm,  followed at 19.03 by a second explosion. The activity was recorded as far away as Norway and Germany, as well as Sweden. At the same time the pressure in the pipelines dropped drastically. Europe’s two major gas lines had ruptured and Siberian gas was bubbling to the sea surface. The images were dramatic – never before had an underwater gas pipeline been bombed. But who was behind it? Ukraine? Russia? Intelligence agencies? This documentary pulls together the latest research for a deep dive into this fascinating spy story.

GERMANWINGS PLANE CRASH The sad story of  Germanwings flight GWI18G, which crashed into a mountainside in an isolated region north of Nice, France after the pilot committed suicide after taking off from El Prat airport near Barcelona, Spain en route for Dusseldorf, Germany.  All aboard the flight - including a group of German teenagers on a school trip and the copilot who was locked out of the cockpit but valiantly tried to save the plane -  were killed in the crash. The German pilot had a long history of mental illness, and unfortunately it is is not the first time a pilot committed suicide with their passengers on board. This episode delves into what safety regulations are in place to protect the sanity of those piloting the planes we fly in every day.

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